Last night was very long night of tossing and turning but morning came and Aim was in good spirits. In fact, I woke up and she was already up and getting ready for our first battle with chemo. As I stood outside the bathroom door, I heard Aim singing her new favorite song, " We Got High Hopes, We got High Hopes, Oops, There Goes Another Tumor Pissant" (anyone that does not know the song, or not know what this means please refer to the top of the page, (AMY'S HIGH HOPES CAFE VIDEO)
I just stood in silence, crying, knowing what we were about to face, Aim was being so positive and strong, I just wanted time to stand still. As I walked into the bathroom, I told Aim how bad I felt that I couldn't go into the chemo room with her, she looks at me and says," Dave today I want you to pray........"Ya I always do," "No, today I want you to pray for all the people who do not have the support that I have, for all the people in the chemo room that can't walk, have trouble breathing, people that do not have family and friends praying for them, people that do not have an ARMY beside them." I just smiled at Aim, I really didn't know how to respond, I was feeling sorry for us, knowing that we were hours away from a date with chemo, and Aim was worried about people she has never met.
So please do me a favor, please say a prayer for Amy! And do Amy a favor, say a prayer for everyone else in the chemo room.
You teach me something about life everyday!
Dave, I love you soo much!!!! 🥰😘💕😍💕😍😘